As educators, Aurum consultants can assist you in making sure your staff stays current on risk management strategies and on changes you need to make to improve your bottom line. Aurum resources have developed what many consider to be the preeminent consumer and business credit seminar in the industry. While our seminars are offered to the public or through associations and institutions, many clients find that we can be most effective by understanding your goals and tailoring the courses to meet their needs. Our widely praised approach helps you and your staff truly understands the complexities of managing risk.
- A short list of our courseware includes:
- Managing a Consumer Risk Portfolio
- Managing a Business Risk Portfolio
- Effective Collections Operations
Tools of the Risk Management Organization
We can offer you a wide variety of educational programs, including a workshop on using generic scores to increase profits, a new account solicitation workshop, or specific industry education modules. We can also offer a “train the trainer” program to ensure that you can be self-sufficient in continuing to train new employees and others throughout your organization.